Below are answers to the most common questions we have received about the transition. If you don’t find the answer to your question here, please write to so we can respond and, where relevant, add to the FAQ.
How will MAs participate in the new governance structure?
The highest decision-making authority of the IPPF will be a General Assembly of MAs that has the mandate to review and approve IPPF’s strategic direction, appoint members of a Nominations and Governance Committee (NGC), and confirm appointments to the Board of Trustees (BOT), among other responsibilities. Volunteers from MAs will hold nine of the 15 seats on the Board of Trustees, as well as a majority on all Board committees.
Will Executive Directors or other staff be eligible to serve on the Board of Trustees?
No. As agreed by the General Assembly, the Board of Trustees and its standing Committees will be composed of volunteers only.
How will Executive Directors participate in the new governance structure?
Executive Directors will participate in the General Assembly as one of the three MA representatives. In this capacity they are able to fully participate in debates and discussions.
Would a candidate’s lived experience be considered a “skill” in a skills-based Board?
Yes. IPPF seeks to promote the greater participation of under-represented groups in its governance structures. As such, the skills matrix developed for the Board of Trustees considers the lived experience of being a member of a marginalized group (e.g. sex worker, LGBTI, indigenous) a skill.
What will happen with the Regional Executive Committees/Regional Councils?
The last meetings of these regional governance bodies will take place in 2020, as IPPF legally transitions to the new governance structure with the appointment of a Board of Trustees at the May 2020 Governing Council meeting. The regions will continue to play an important role in the new structure. Rather than serving as governance, the regional councils will transform into new regional forums and youth forums where ideas and experiences can be exchanged, providing a critically important opportunity to maintain the sense of solidarity of the movement.
What is the status of IPPF/WHR?
The Western Hemisphere Region (IPPF/WHR) never formally withdrew from the IPPF. With the reforms being agreed at the General Assembly, WHR accepted to remain an active part of the Federation.
How can MAs participate in consultation around the formula for Stream 1?
In early February, the Transition Committee released a tender to select a consulting firm to work with us on the development of the new funding model for Stream 1, and we expect to select a firm by early March. Once the consulting firm develops a prototype Stream 1, we will undertake consultations with MAs, Secretariat staff, and other stakeholders, like donors, probably beginning in April 2020.
When will Stream 1 funding go into effect for the Secretariat?
The unified Secretariat will submit a two-year workplan and budget for funding under Stream 1 for 2021-2022. Thereafter, the Secretariat will submit three-year workplans and budgets to align to the strategic planning cycle.
When will Stream 1 funding go into effect for MAs?
MAs will submit their first workplan and budget for funding under Stream 1 in 2021, for the year 2022. Thereafter, they will submit three-year workplans and budgets, with the first cycle being 2023-2025.
What is IPPF doing to ensure that MAs in high-income countries have access to the funding they need to carry out their mission?
IPPF recognizes that, in some high-income countries, needs can be high and are not being addressed. Therefore, IPPF has committed to advocating and mobilizing resources with non-OECD DAC governments and other donors to ensure effective responses to SRHR needs and rights for vulnerable and underserved groups, regardless of national income status, so that no one is left behind. MAs in high-income countries will be eligible to apply for funding under Stream 2 and 3.
How will Stream 2 funding be administered?
Criteria for this funding is currently being developed and will be shared with all MAs and Collaborating Partners in July 2020. These will be invited to submit two-year proposals for this funding, in line with the defined criteria, in 3rd quarter of 2020 for programmes that will run in 2021-2022. All MAs and Collaborative Partners are eligible to apply for Stream 2.
How/when can MAs apply for humanitarian funding under Stream 3?
Criteria for this funding is currently being developed and will be shared with all MAs in July 2020. Stream 3 funding will be available from 3rd quarter of 2020 and will be a revolving fund to support short-term response to emergency situations. All MAs and Collaborative Partners are eligible to apply for Stream 3.