Participate in IPPF’s Governance

Nominations Process at a Glance

The international search firm Perrett Laver is supporting the Transition Committee in recruiting candidates for the Board of Trustees and Nominations and Governance (NGC) Committee.

  1. Read the internal/MA advert and related documents here, or the public advert on Perret Laver’s website here.
  2. Forward the advert to anyone in your network who you think would be a good candidate for the Board or NGC, whether they are dynamic young people or adults over 25 years old who will champion SRHR and youth leadership.
  3. Gather your application materials (CV, cover letter, a letter from your MA verifying you are a volunteer, and the completed skills matrix), and apply for the Board or NGC online by March 27, 12 pm GMT.

Watch a short video walking you through the online process here.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many young people will be on IPPF’s Board of Trustees and Board committees?

The reforms agreed by the General Assembly and endorsed by the Governing Council stipulate that at least 20% of the Board of Trustees (n=3) and all of its committees must be young people under 25 years of age at the time of appointment. While this is the minimum, it is possible that any of these governing bodies could have more than 20% young people based on the skills and needs.

Do youth representatives on IPPF’s governing bodies have to be affiliated with an MA?

No. Any young person who brings needed skills and experience to IPPF’s governing bodies may be elected, including those who have participated on their MA as well as young leaders, educators, and advocates from outside the IPPF. For the 15-member Board of Trustees, nine trustees will come from IPPF’s membership, drawn from applications submitted by volunteers, and six will be external to the IPPF.

What are the skills that IPPF is looking for?

The skills matrix developed by the Transition Committee follows the criteria approved by the General Assembly, specifically: leadership in SRHR; governance at the international or national level; senior executive experience; program delivery experience; financial control and oversight; risk management; legal expertise; fundraising and resource mobilization; experience of advocacy and working with government; youth networking/youth action; peer-to-peer service delivery; other skills, experiences, and attributes relevant to global governance.

How will IPPF include other under-represented groups, in addition to young people, in its governance?

IPPF seeks to promote the greater participation of under-represented groups in its governance structures, and values the lived experience of being a member of a marginalized group (e.g. sex worker, LGBTI, indigenous, people living with HIV) as a skill that would be considered on the Board of Trustees.

Is there a language requirement for being on the Board or NGC?

Yes. Candidates must be fluent in one of IPPF’s four official languages: English, French, Spanish, or Arabic. IPPF will provide simultaneous interpretation for any of these languages during interviews and meetings, and for all official documents.

What are the roles and responsibilities of Board members?

The purpose of the Board of Trustees is to govern the organization, approve IPPF’s broad policies, uphold membership values, appoint and evaluate the performance of the Director General, and to ensure the financial viability of the Secretariat and sustainability of IPPF.

What is the time commitment for being on the Board of Trustees?

Board members will be expected to dedicate a minimum of 12 days/year. This will include preparing for and attending the annual Board meetings, which will take place a minimum of three times a year, twice in person and once virtually. Each meeting will last two to three days.  In addition, Trustees will be expected to participate in any relevant discussions that arise between meetings. The Board Chair will have additional responsibilities and will thus be expected to dedicate a minimum of 24 days/year to Board-related business. Appointments to the Board are for three-year terms, with a maximum of two-terms.

What are the roles and responsibilities NGC members?

Reporting to the General Assembly, the purpose of the Nominations and Governance Committee is to: recruit the future members of the Board of Trustees; oversee a regular process for evaluating the effectiveness of the Board and its members; recruit the members of the standing committees of the Board in liaison with the Board Chair; review periodically the by-laws and ensure that the Federation adheres to and operates in accordance with best governance practices.

What is the time commitment for being on the NGC?

The NGC will meet two times each year.

Does it cost anything to participate?

All Trustees will serve as volunteers to IPPF, and will be reimbursed for Board-related expenses, such as travel and per diem for attending meetings. Trustees will not be required to make a financial contribution to IPPF, although Board members are encouraged to give within their means.

How do I apply?

The Transition Committee has contracted a recruitment firm, Perrett Laver, to assist in the search for candidates. The advert is posted on Perrett Laver’s website.

What information do I need to include in my application?

Applicants are required to submit a two-page CV, a motivation letter of one page and to complete a skills matrix. Specific details are provided on the Perret Laver website.

I know someone who I think would bring a lot of value to IPPF’s governance. Can I nominate them?

Please forward the advert to people in your network who you think has the experience and passion for SRHR to make them a good candidate.